All classes are currently on a month-to-month basis to promote a work life balance.
Refunds are not offered unless class is cancelled and an alternative is not offered, then refunds will be pro rated for that missed class.
Additional practices in preparation for major shows and competition are included at no additional cost.
Thank your for your cooperation, patience and compassion.
'Ia maita'i i ta outou ha'api'ira'a ori Tahiti.
Warm up, basics, advanced pehe and combos. Strength, stamina training. Focus on choreography or solos. Very fast paced! Must have Ori Tahiti dance experience.
Warm up, basics, traditional pehe and simple combos. Strength, stamina training. Focus on fundamentals of Ori Tahiti. Moderate to paced! No Ori Tahiti or dance experience required.
Pacific View Mall
3301 E. Main St. Ventura, CA 93003
By invite only. This is a performance class focused on choreography for upcoming shows, events and competition. If you are interested in this class and have never danced with us before, please contact me to schedule an assessment.
Date and Time TBD
* Check back for more details
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